Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mattress Madness

With luck, I’ll buy two, maybe three more beds in my life.  After that I’ll be dead or in a facility.  God willing.  After eight years on our current bed, my husband’s hip needed a new one.  The bed seemed the same as it always had to me.  He assured me not…that outweighing me by 100 pounds made him more sensitive to coil fatigue.  I’m more sensitive to insomnia induced chronic fatigue.  I hit half a dozen showrooms and learned that there are still just four categories of mattresses:  sensory deprivation, La Brea Tar Pit, trampoline, and rock.

Every “Mattress Something” and furniture store showcases the darling of the bedding world: Temperpedic memory foam.  Two things come to mind when I lie on one:  1. A screaming Han Solo melted in whatever it was in whichever Star Wars movie it was.  2.  Bad sex.  Good sex requires a bit of bounce and recoil. Temperpedic mattresses are black holes of nothingness. 

Pillowtop mattresses suck.  Literally.  All that pillowy fluffiness twists me every which way but loose. When I sleep Superman-style, I suffocate.  I don’t weigh enough to get down to the supportive layer.  Nobody does. The coil-count is irrelevant and without a “low-profile” box spring, a ladder is required to get into bed.  Maybe if the ladder came with a young fireman, I’d consider it. 

Then there’s “Plush.”  But not like a blankie, or sable, or the Taj Mahal.  They’re plush like a bounce house without the fun colors; soft-ish on the surface, firm-ish underneath.  Some are pillowtop wannabes, and some have coils making your hip’s acquaintance.   But they’re all springy.  Very springy.  Bigger person tosses, littler person flings out of bed springy. A Tigger bed.

Finally, “firm” is mattress code for a slab of granite. Been there, done that.  I traded in a new temperpedic for the slab eight years ago.  I ended up with a princess and the pea bed and needed the ladder.  I moved it into my son’s room and got a bounce house from Big Lots. 

After my recon, I took my husband to “Mattress Something”   and our best pals came along. Two “plush” models made the final cut.  I liked one, he liked the other.  We compromised on the one he liked.  The needs of greater weight prevailed.  While he and his pal were doing the money deal, my pal and I tested out the weight theory.  Did his choice feel to his 200 lbs like my choice felt to my 110 lbs? 

Together my pal and I go about a deuce and a quarter.  Close enough.  I told her to lie down on me to see how each mattress felt with the added weight.  She climbed aboard and propped up a bit with her forearms across my chest.  The theory held true; there was a difference. We bounced girl-on-girl a few times just to make sure that would work too.  It did.  And because they were busy trying to get a free pillow, our guys missed the show.  She told hers about it but I never did.  A girl needs a secret.

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